Cyber Security Readiness

Project history

The project with the strong contribution of Poste was developed in Unindustria from the work carried out and promoted by the Information Technology Section and was part of the activities of Unindustria’s Cyber Security Technical Group, in collaboration with the Cyber 4.0 Competence Center and with the sponsorship and collaboration of ACN.

Cyber Security Readiness is a project that involves different entities with the common intent of providing the useful tools for all types of organizations, with particular reference to SMEs, to better deal with cyber threats.

Expanding the goals

We want to reach out to SMEs, entities, PAC/PALs, and all stakeholders to assess their level of cybersecurity, identify any gaps, and consequently increase awareness and ability to protect corporate assets.

A structured method

Administration of questionnaires
Analysis of results with AHP methodology
Identification of solutions
Training workshops and seminars

How to participate


Participating in the project takes just a few minutes to fill out one or more questionnaires, also called Surveys, designed as a self-assessment of your company’s level of cybersecurity.


The surveys consist of general questions about the company’s organization followed by technical/organizational questions or aimed at investigating the level of exposure to a specific cyber risk.


The surveys consist of general questions about the company’s organization followed by technical/organizational questions or aimed at investigating the level of exposure to a specific cyber risk.


Cyber Security Self Risk Assessment

Self-assessment of your company's security level

Level of exposure to ransomware risk

Ransomware Self Assessment


Exposure level of smart working

Remote Working Risk Assessment

Third-party security adequacy level

Third Party Risk Management

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