“Vulnerabilities and Cyber Threats: Cyber Attacks and How to Defend Yourself.”This is the topic of the fourth Webinar of the 2023-2024 Training Path of the Project “SMEs and CYBER Security Readiness” – April 22, 2024 3 p.m.The Webinar “Vulnerabilities and Cyber Threats: Cyber Attacks and How to Defend Yourself” will be held on Monday, April 22 at 3 p.m. and is the fourth event in the 2023-2024 Training Webinar series of the Project “SMEs and Cyber Security Readiness born from the collaboration between the Cyber Security Technical Group and Unindustria’s Information Technology Section in collaboration with the Cyber 4.0 Competence Center and with the sponsorship and collaboration of the National Cybersecurity Agency. The Training Program, promoted by Unindustria and Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services and sponsored by ACN includes subsequent thematic meetings and useful insights available to businesses and territories. During the works of this fourth webinar some best practices will be presented, useful examples to deepen critical issues and solutions to counter cyber risk, and the appointment will also be an opportunity to start building a network of Cyber Made in Italy skills at the service of enterprises, large and SMEs.Attached is the interactive Save the Date of the appointment for event registration or, alternatively, directly at the link:
https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_pwi3Npr_TG6r5jEbSLWh5g#/registration We take this opportunity to renew the invitation to also disseminate to your companies the link to the survey to check in a few quick steps what is the ‘posture’ of companies to cyber risk, through 4 quick anonymized questionnaires for self-assessment of the level of:– security of one’s company,
– exposure to ransomware risk,
– of smart working exposure,
– of third-party security adequacy.