Cyber Security Readiness

Report Cyber Risk Self Assessment 2020

Analysis of the outcomes of the corporate protection level survey conducted through Survey related year 2020.

The report was prepared following the development of the related Cyber Risk Self Assessment project for the self-assessment of the level of security and exposure of Small and Medium Enterprises to cyber risks and originates from the recognized centrality of the role played by SMEs for the economic, social and cultural growth of the country.

The Project, promoted by Vittoria Carli – ISED SPA, President of Unindustria’s Information Technology Section in coordination with Francesco d’Angelo – TIM SPA, President of Unindustria’s Communications Section, was developed by the IT Section with the scientific collaboration of CINI’s National Cybersecurity Laboratory and Rome’s Campus Biomedical University.

The Project leaders, Rocco Mammoliti – POSTE ITALIANE SPA and Aniello Gentile – ENEL SPA, involved several small, medium and large companies in the GDL with which they developed the project idea, collection and analysis of the information collected.

The Report makes explicit the different steps, methodology and analysis criteria adopted.

The ultimate goal of the Cyber Risk Self Assessment project is twofold: on the one hand, the study aims to deduce scientific observations with respect to the cyber preparedness status of SMEs in the relevant context, in order to propose tools, processes and organizational models capable of dealing with the trend of the cyber threat. On the other, thanks to the indicators provided by the survey, it is possible to extrapolate key information for policy and business decision makers in order to issue appropriate policies on the specific needs of SMEs with respect to cyber risk, with the aim of fostering the spread of cyber security in Italy.


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