Cyber Security Readiness

SMEs and Cyber Security Readiness – Protect your business: tools and awareness for the enterprise

Tuesday, Nov. 21, 2023 at 3 p.m., the launch event presenting the project


The Project “SMEs and Cyber Security Readiness“, promoted by UNINDUSTRIA and Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services, to increase business culture and awareness and counter the risk of Cyber attacks, is kicking off.

Born out of the collaboration between the Cyber Security Technical Group and Unindustria’s Information Technology Section, the Project launches a new in-depth course on the topic of Cyber Security.

The first stage will be held on Tuesday, Nov. 21 at 3 p.m. with “SMEs and Cyber Security Readiness – Protect your business: tools and awareness for the company,” the launch event where we will present the project, at the headquarters of CSIT – Confindustria Innovative and Technological Services in Rome, Via Barberini, 3 – in presence or in videoconference connection, subject to specification of the chosen mode and exhaustion of available seats in the room.

To register, register on the online form specifying your mode of participation

On this occasion we will also present the entire Program, which includes subsequent thematic meetings and useful insights available to businesses and territories. Training and awareness seminars on issues related to Cyber readiness.

The program, organized by Unindustria and CSIT, will consist of six Webinars, each of which will delve into a topical issue and connection to cybersecurity: from certification to the level of appropriateness of Third Party Security; from increasingly flexible co-operation and work models to organizational models to protection techniques; the tools of accredited certification for data protection; future scenarios; and what Europe is asking organizations to do to protect Information.

PROGRAM DATES – Launch Event and Breakout Sessions.

  • November 21, 2023 – Launch Workshop
  • November 30 – Webinar
  • January 25 – Webinar
  • February 29 – Webinar
  • March 28 – Webinar
  • May 23 – Webinar
  • June 20 – Webinar
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